Genesis - Spectrum Collection E-alko Originals 2021-10-29T22:33:02-07:00 Genesis 2021-10-29T22:33:02-07:00 2021-10-30T16:40:47-07:00 Episode 02: SPECTRUM James Carino To celebrate Genesis Originals Family's Anniversary this month of October - we launched the Spectrum Collection. Find out the story behind it.



To celebrate Genesis Originals Family's Anniversary this month of October - we launched the Spectrum Collection. The Family chose to name this collection Spectrum because of its meaning in regards to colours - a range or variety of colours as seen in a rainbow. The collection includes sportswear that ranges from different colour palettes and unique designs of combat apparel & gym clothing both for women and men. From hoodies and oversized tees to the variety of colours to choose from in the women's Vital seamless range and the Larry the Bear collection. There is a piece for each person.

We would like to thank each person that was a part of this Anniversary collection from the models to the videographers and photographers for taking the time out of their busy weeks to create another beautiful masterpiece of a collection. This collection is dedicated to all of you who have a dream and is constantly working towards that dream, you may be doing great right now & we applaud each one of you who are - we celebrate your success like it's ours! For those who are going through difficult circumstances right now, just know that at the end of every trial or storm you're going through, there's always a rainbow at the end of it. You will get passed it and you will come out stronger than ever before. We are rooting for you. We are here with you. Ohana, We are Genesis.


Creative Director: Sheik Carino
Brand Director: Larrenz Carino
Product Development: Elaine Marayag
Talent: Evan Nario, Danica Gaitan, Zeke Castillo, Alissa Highgate, Jason Martinez,  Nicolo Fajardo, Larrenz Carino, Edmen Shahbazyan

Photography & Videography: Genesis Creative Team Dept., Michelle Nunez
Shot in Plzeň Czechia



